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Telling stories has fired my imagination since I was a young dancer/actress in the Midwest. On my first trip to New York, I auditioned for and landed the part of swing girl (chorus understudy) in the Broadway musical The Rothschilds, which led to an exciting, if nail-biting, entry into the professional theatre. Since then I’ve performed at the Long Wharf Theatre, The Public Theatre, BACA Downtown, New York Theatre Workshop, the Williamstown Theatre Festival, and Living Room Theatre, among many others.

A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath at Living Room Theatre, 2022

The pool’s surface, however, belongs to Randolyn Zinn. Her portrayal of the mature, immature Nora is a lengthy joyride of acting. This is more than a performance; it is a performance of a performance, a struggle for any actress brought to active life in this swimming pool of human natures.
— Peter Bergman, The Berkshire Edge July, 2021
Zinn makes Nora her own. This requires dexterity and competence of the highest levels in the craft, and Zinn has both in droves, all while floating across stage with the grace.
— Telly Halkias, American Theatre Critics Association

Randolyn Zinn as Nora with Allen McCullough as Torvald


With Ken Hunter performing an English Music Hall entr’acte number entitled “A Little of What You Fancy Does You Good” at Living Room Theatre. (Michael Chinworth on piano and Evelyn Mahon on accordion)